Confessional Resources

Confessional Resources

Our Confessional Documents are the documents which were drawn up the 1643-1646 Westminster Assembly. The documents were approved by the Church of Scotland General Assembly in 1647 and ratified by Acts of Parliament in 1649 and 1690. There are five documents – Westminster Confession of Faith, Westminster Larger Catechism, Westminster Shorter Catechism, Directory for Public Worship and Directory for Private Worship.

The Confession of Faith is a summary of the doctrines of the Word of God. It is a compendium of all that we believe and confess. The Larger Catechism contains 196 questions and answers which provide additional instruction for teachers and preachers of the Word of God. The Shorter Catechism presents a condensed form of doctrinal teaching in the form of 107 questions and answers for teaching and instruction of young people. The Directories of Worship give practical guidance as to the form and structure of worship in the Church and worship in the home.