What We Believe

What We Believe

The Free Church of Scotland is a Presbyterian denomination which is established on the basis of the teaching of the Word of God and the principles of the 1560 Scottish Reformation. 

As a congregation of the Free Church of Scotland, we are committed to the Bible as our rule of faith and living.. Our main doctrinal standard is the Westminster Confession of Faith approved by the General Assembly in 1647 and ratified by Acts of Parliament in 1649 and 1690. We also adhere to the teaching of the supplementary Westminster documents for our guidance and direction in public worship, family worship and general Biblical teaching. These supplementary documents are the Directory of Public Worship, the Directory of Family Worship and the Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechisms

This means that we are committed to the doctrines and teaching of the Word of God – the absolute sovereignty of God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), the fact that God is Creator of humankind and of the universe, the fact of the fall of humankind into sin and rebellion against God, the consequent alienation from God and the exposure of humankind to God’s condemnation and final judgment, the saving work of Jesus Christ in dying for sinners, the necessity of faith in Jesus Christ in order to experience forgiveness of sin and eternal salvation, and the reality of both heaven and hell.